"Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be."
That quote is so true, and I think I'm gonna follow it.
Honestly, I'm sick of the way my life is right now. I seem to always be trying to make people happy, and satisfy them. I'm done with that, I could care less.
People do what they wanna do, and I have no effect over that.
I just have to keep the bad people out of my life, it's the only way.
It's not rude, it's not ignorant, it's just playing it smart.
Having people like that in your life is unhealthy, and I don't want that to be me.
I've simply given my best, and I guess it's not enough.
I can admit defeat, it's not hard for me. I'm not really a sore loser. Not as much as I'm hard headed.
And, honestly, I'm not gonna regret it one bit. I just gotta keep moving forward.
This is life. Even though I really wish I had an instructional manual, but it doesn't work like that.
I just wanna make sure I get a good education, a great paying job, and then I wanna find a wife, and start a family. I want that more then anything, and I'm not gonna let anything get in the way of that.
I'm not gonna let someone tell me what I can and cannot do.
I'm sick of those people. I'm sick of the people who crave attention and affection.
I'm sick of needy people.
I wanna get rid of them all.
I think it's only safe for me to hang around strong people. Like me.
They're the true inspiration.
And from now on, I think that's what I'm gonna do.